my life
in the little red dot.2009-06-03
Reflections on my SA1 results (and 1st combined results)
SA1 is over, I think that I have done better than CA1 (if you have been following my blog on the post on CA1 reflections). I got a MSG of 2.1, which is better compared to 2.7 in CA1, both combined to give a MSG of 2.3, which I think is alright.As for my English, I screwed up my TFU project, which we were supposed to write some stories, I also screwed up my essay writing for paper 1. My paper 2 was OK though not that good. With these, I scored 63.2 for SA1 which combined to give a score of 64.4, which is a B4, a no good for me.As for my Literature, well this is my worst subject still, I managed to score a B4, an improvement compared to CA1, which I scored a C6. My poetry pulled me up this time. The combined grade is a C5. I am quite satisfied though I did badly. Glad that Literature has come to an end in VS! From now on I can get rid of Literature!As for my master subject Geography, I still didn't manage to get the top 2 in class, but I think I should be satisfied with my score. I scored a solid A1 with a score of 79. Combined score is 81.5.(CA1=project(mentioned in previous post)30%+ CA1 exam paper 20%,while SA1= exam paper 50%. Incase you may wonder why my Geography CA1 score is 84 instead of 75 as the CA1 result slip only include the exam paper, not the project).As for my D&T, I did better this time, with a score of 75, an A1 (as mentioned in the previous post), but combined to give me an A2. I feel so so...For my Higher Chinese, which I am the most happy with, with a score of 75.5, an A1, coming second in my class. But somehow I think I just tyco. I wondered why I scored so high in my paper 2. The combined score is 74.7, 0.3 marks from A1! I feel quite satisfied though. (My CA1 score is 73.8 instead of 66.5 as reflected in the CA1 result slip because that is only the partial CA1 score).For my Science, which consisted of Chemistry, Biology, class test and project for SA1, together I got an A1, combined scored 78.9. I feel quite neutral since many people scored quite high too. ( My CA1 score is 74.9 instead of 80 as reflected in my CA1 result slip because that is only the partial CA1 score).As for my Maths, I was not as tyco as CA1 and did not do as well compared to CA1. I have gotten a screwed score of 66, a B3, I was damn disappointed. But I managed to get a combined score of 79.6, an A1. I felt relieved...(My CA1 score is 90.4 instead of 95 as reflected in my CA1 result slip because that is only the partial CA1 score).Overall, I feel better and happier in this SA1 than CA1, but there are always rooms for improvement. Lets hope I can get a better score for CA2...Labels: results, SA1 2009
another day in the
5:49 PM