my life
in the little red dot.2009-01-25
A moment spent alone doing something I enjoyed

Five days ago, both my parents were working. My sister had gone out to play with her friends, so I was alone at home. As I was bored, I switched on my computer and watched some videos on YouTube, which I enjoy a lot. I typed the word "Singapore joke pork" in the search engine as my sister said there some jokes about eating pork. After I clicked search, I came across a video about something saying "no pork". I was curious about it, so went to watch it. This video was about a guy who went to a Muslim restaurant and pranked a Indian waiter. It was very funny but it was also quite racist. To watch the video, copy this link: I sincerely apologised to those who get offended by it. Next, I typed the word"hokkien titanic" in the search engine. Then there was a video about Titanic in Hokkien. I watched it and found it seriously funny, I laughed out very loud. I don't really recommend people to watch it as it contained a lot of vulgarities, I don't think I want to show you the link... Other than watching videos, I also enjoyed listening to some songs while I was doing one of the blog entries. My favourite singers are JJ Lin, Maroon 5, Linkin Park and Daniel Powter. My favourite songs are Bad Day, Won't Go Home Without You and many Chinese songs by JJ Lin. To be sincere, I don't have a liking for a particular type of songs, my choices are just very random. Two hours later, my sister came back home. I told her about what I had enjoyed on YouTube. To me, I enjoy watching videos and listening to songs while I am alone. Watching videos would make me laugh and let me forget some of the problems, for example, having a lot of homework. Listening to songs would make me feel relax (although some might be rock songs) and also let me feel better. I believe that many people would have the same thinking as I do.Labels: enjoy, songs, videos
another day in the
4:35 PM
Something unusual that happened that day

Last Friday, there were lots of unusual stuffs happening to me. Firstly, when I woke up, the sun was already quite bright, something came to my mind, SCHOOL! I looked at the clock, it was already 6:35am! My mother usually woke me up at 5:45am everyday. I went to see my mother, she was sleeping soundly in her bedroom! I woke her up immediately. She told me that she overslept. I quickly dashed to the toilet to brush my teeth, changing into school uniform, my mother told me to have breakfast in school. I then quickly ran to the bus stop. I was glad that I made to school on time.
After school, when I went home, I didn't expect to see a 197 new bus ( Volvo B9TL, shown in picture), as I remembered that I did not see a 197 new bus ever before, most of the 197 buses are the ageing Volvo Olympian or Leyland Olympian (Shown in picture too). I told myself, that was weird. However I was glad that they made the right choice of having new 197 buses.
When I went home, I looked at the dining table, to my surprise, I saw my favourite fried chicken wings! Usually, when I asked my mother to buy and cook chicken wings, she would nag at me, saying that chicken wings are not cheap and most importantly, it is bad for my health, especially for overweight people like me. I asked my mother why today was so special, she said that there was an offer of 60 percent for chicken wings, so she bought it.
At night, while I was watching television with my family, suddenly, the place turned as black as a cave. I shouted "Blackout!", I went outside of my house, I saw my neighbours discussing something, I guessed that they also experienced a blackout too, so we joined in the conversation. Finally, after fifteen minutes, the electricity was back.
For me, I think that last Friday was a day full of unusual things. Four unusual things happened in just a day, maybe it was just a coincidence...
Pictures from wikipedia
Labels: blackout, bus, chicken wings, late
another day in the
2:51 PM
my life
in the little red dot.2009-01-20
Creating my blog(difficulty I faced)

This is my first time creating a blog, there were many problems I encountered when doing so. First, I had to create a google account, but I didn't have much problem with that.Next, I have to choose a name for my blog, after a hard time, I had chosen the name"jackal95rox"just simply because it was very random and I liked that.
The next, most troublesome and difficult problem was to find a blog skin. Even though they provide blog skins on the blogger itself, I thought that those blog skins were rather lame to me as they were just simple blog skins with no style or meaning. So I went to to look for a suitable blog skin, it looked easy but actually it was very difficult for me. For me I would like to choose a blogskin with the theme of Singapore. The reason for choosing Singapore was that I think that Singapore is my own country, it gives me a sense of belonging if I choose Singapore, so I type "Singapore" in the search engine, then, a lot of blogskins appeared, I had chosen one of them as I thinkt the pictures were very nice, but when I tried to download it, one stupid message appeared, it was something like"Error displaying page...".I went seriously frustrated as I was unable to use that blogskin . Then, I found another blog skin, which is also about Singapore, but I think that the previous one was better. I followed all the instructions and downloaded the blog skin into my blog.
The next problem I faced was that I had to edit the HTML to have all my profile. When I looked at the HTML, I went blur immediately, it was all with weird symbols! I had to go to many websites to get help, finally, I found out the way to edit.
In the question paper, they mentioned that your blog should have a comment box, I looked at mine and surprisingly, it did not have a comment box! Luckily I got help from my classmate who told me to download it at, I would like to thank him very much.
Despite many difficulties, I think that this blog posting project is fun and interesting. It thought me how to make a blog and how to post information on the blog. I used a lot of effort on this project, hope I can get high marks!
Labels: blog, difficulty
another day in the
7:04 PM
Chinese New Year preparations (A moment I enjoyed with my family)

Last Saturday, my family, which included my father (who don't normally go out with us), my mother and my sister went to Chinatown to shop for items for the coming Chinese New Year. We took bus number CT18 there. When we arrived there, we saw crowds all over the place.The street was decorated with Chinese New Year stuffs such as auspicious Chinese characters and fake firecrackers.
First, we went to buy some traditional snacks such as barbecued meat , known as "bak kwa" in dialect. We also bought pineapple tarts and many other more snacks. But my favourites are abalone, which is very expensive, my father said that one can was enough, we should be thriftier because of the financial crisis. Another one is shark's fin, which also costs a lot too, even though I love shark's fin, I don't want to eat it often not only because of the price, but also to support anti-shark killing. After we bought snacks, we went to buy fake firecrackers, red packets some pieces of auspicious Chinese characters for house decorations.We had our dinner at one Chinese restaurant, they consisted of some famous Chinese dishes, such as the Hainanese chicken rice.
After we had our dinner, we went to a place where there were exhibitions about some ox statues (as this is a year of ox), some were decorated with beautiful patterns. We took out our camera and took pictures of them.
We went to my cousin's house afterwards,we helped them with their house decorations, then we played games such as hide-and-seek and catching together. After that, we sat down in the living room telling jokes and sharing one's interesting things that they had. By the time we went home, it was already eleven at night.
The next day, my sister and I helped my parents with the decorations by hanging some of the firecrackers and pasting some of the auspicious Chinese characters. Even though Chinese New Year is still some days away, my mother said it is always better to have all things done first.
To me, Chinese New Year is a festival that is very important to the Chinese, it is a new year according to the Chinese calender. This festival is celebrated for thousands of years, therefore it is very important to make sure that the younger generations are taught to preserve and celebrate it, I think that all Chinese should take this festival seriously. Other than that,Chinese New Year is a festival that creates a chance for you to spend time with your families, I enjoyed myself very much with my family last Saturday and Sunday.
To have a music of Chinese New Year song, copy this link:
This post gets only 30/50, why?????????????
Labels: chinese new year, enjoy, family
another day in the
5:17 PM
my life
in the little red dot.2009-01-18
My NCC Land training...( something that took place in school)

On last Friday in school, I had my CCA, which is NCC Land, training. For this training, I must say it was very tough and tiring. We had our drills training immediately after we fell in. When our sergeants first said "sedia" the hard and tiring time started.
In less than five minutes time, we had our first scolding, our staff sergeant started shouting"What kind of standard is this?Better do your drills properly or else you will watch out!", but still, the scolding did not wake us up. In another five minutes time, "KNOCK IT DOWN THIRTY!" our staff sergeant roared in a voice of thunder.Then, we were split into three groups. For me, I was split into a group of six, which included my best friend since primary one, his name is Ahmad Aquashah.
My friend is an obedient son, student and a fellow cadet, he follows whatever his parents and seniors say and always thinks they are right. I must say that he is both good in academic and in CCA. His drills are far better than mine.
Let's go back to the training...When we were split into groups, there was a sergeant in charge of us. The sergeant in charge of us is known for his bad temper. Every time we walk where we are supposed to run he would start shouting"WALK SOME MORE!" and every time we do not our drills properly, he would shout vulgarities.
Just five minutes of drills, we got our first scolding from him and we got knocked down another fifteen. The training continued for another one hour.
For us, I think that our problems mainly came from the fact that we could not co-ordinate our drills, for example, when we bang, it is not always a solid bang. Another reason is that when we march, we seeme not to be in line. I think that we must seriously improve our drills in order to score more CCA points.I am glad that we will get our Lance Corporal rank soon! NCC ROCKS!
For the NCC song, copy this link: drills, knock down, NCC
another day in the
5:32 PM